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Fiction. Novel
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21 November, 2011
A Salvation Cool as Morning Porcelain [from The Muckraker's Chronicle]
Lord, help me make it through the morning. Maybe it was the wine. Whenever I drink white wine, I end up with a Class A mind fuck hangover. A...
28 February, 2011
Another Quote From The Muckraker Chronicles
"People think the world is a complicated place. But the world isn't complicated. It runs on a very simple plan -- the same plan sin...
12 February, 2011
EXCERPT from The Muckraker's Chronicle: In The Back Room
The Arliss County Animal Control and Mental Health Committee met every second Wednesday at nine in the morning in a back room at the dilapid...
07 February, 2011
[Except] The Muckraker's Chronicle: The Gauntlet
I drove one town over to talk to Sam at the newspaper office. The office for The Arliss Star Advocate was actually a large garage that had...
21 January, 2011
[All Indications Contrary]: Excerpt from THE MUCKRAKER'S CHRONICLE
I had a message from Sam. He wanted to talk to me. Mostly we exchange emails about the articles I send him and about when he's going to...
26 December, 2010
Excerpt from THE MUCKRAKER'S CHRONICLE: The Flying Man From Pin Hook
The Flying Man From Pin Hook By JJ Rafferty for The Arliss Star Advocate Pin Hook – Wallace Gimley has carried the same dream with him since...
17 December, 2010
“Do you really want to piss off the only person in town that still likes you?” Maude has a way getting straight to the point. “Parton doe...
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