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17 July, 2019
Letters from Trumplandia: Born of the River -- Louisville, Kentucky
Yesterday, 50 homeless people were displaced in the #compassionatecity. Contemporary urban living means dueling with the cognitive diss...
05 November, 2018
Letters from Trumplandia: Politics and the Phenomenon of Craving
A.A., like any other organization dedicated to a single idea, has it's own mantras and jingoisms. The Serenity Prayer has been co-o...
04 October, 2018
Letters from Trumplandia: Invisible City, Part 1
Bone thin and tiny even before she tried to fold herself into the air, her eyes were large, dark, and brimming. She looked young; too y...
28 June, 2018
All along the multiverse/Traversing the Big Empty, Part 3 ( Consequences of a Nation)
[continued from Part 2 ] [Somewhere in Satan's Taint, NM] The absence of etiquette and the abandonment of common sense is what...
27 June, 2018
All along the multiverse/Traversing the Big Empty, Part 2 ("Foreign Objects" and the San Bernardino Jerk)
[continued from Part 1 ] [Northeast of Albuquerque NM, 26 June 2018] So the thing about traveling by train is that there is at lea...
30 August, 2017
Retreat, Renewal, and Arrival: From Gethsamani to Trumplandia
The Wild Man doesn’t come to full life through being “natural,” going with the flow, smoking weed, reading nothing, and being generally gro...
14 July, 2017
Language front: from which all wars really begin.
The relations between rhetoric and ethics are disturbing: the ease with which language can be twisted is worrisome, and the fact that our m...
01 May, 2017
Letters from Trumplandia 9: The May Day Special
Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in...
05 April, 2017
Letters from Trumplandia 8: il mostro dentro di me
Now is the time of monsters. -Antonio Gramsci Sometimes it tries to kid me/ that it's just a teddy bear /and even somehow manage to/...
24 March, 2017
Letters from Trumplandia 6: Clockwork Eternity and Daylight Savings Time (Delayed)
Certainly, it seems true enough that there's a good deal of irony in the world... I mean, if you live in a world full of politicians ...
20 March, 2017
Letters from Trumplandia 5: The doghead comes to town (with apologies to all dogs, great and small)
A man can be in two different places and he will be two different men. Maybe if you think of more places he will be more men, but two is en...
14 February, 2017
Letter from Trumplandia 3: art as memory/ memory as subversion
Life is subversive. - Ernesto Cardenal When you are forced by circumstance to focus on survival, it can be difficult to remember that...
03 February, 2017
Day 13 into the Burning of Rome (poem)
We are digging around for answers. smoke and ash make it difficult to read the etchings. Somewhere over the ridge a child is drinking d...
31 January, 2017
Letters from Trumplandia: laying the groundwork
Self-erasure is a harsh religion. - from travel journal I have to remind myself sometimes that in spite of what I think of my general...
20 January, 2017
Il est Trumplandia: No quarter given
With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they wil...
10 January, 2017
A question of faith and the problem of a proportional response
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit sui...
29 December, 2016
Resurrecting dead machines, new year resolutions, and other powerfully mixed cocktails
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. -- Benjamin Franklin Always do so...
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