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higher ed
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13 January, 2020
“Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.”*
I had recent conversation about higher education and my thoughts on returning to the classroom, and while digging through some old files...
06 July, 2016
Notes from Outland
To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral. -...
19 April, 2016
Old friends, new soil, and starting over
Lay this unto your breast: Old friends, like old swords, still are trusted best. -- John Webster There is only one day left, always start...
03 June, 2015
Solidarity Along the Dirty, Sacred, River: The Virtue of Proportional Response
I had an entirely different blog entry planned. The blog I was going write was going to regale you, dear friends and readers, with the te...
29 November, 2014
The Puritans Never Did This, Part 1: Under an Overload, Loading in, and The Dirty River Press
1. Under and Overload, Loading In, and The Dirty River Press I t's been a while since I sat down to write about life here along the ...
15 July, 2014
Steady the Course Along the Dirty Sacred River: Sometimes the Universe Throws a Straight Pitch
This summer has not exactly gone as expected. I'd planned on heading west again, back to the big sky territory out in South Dakota and ...
21 February, 2014
The Spurned Spawn of The Gator Men
J.R. Skelton, Grendel's Mother (1908) Since I spent most of last week on the northern side of the dirty sacred river, my plan was t...
20 September, 2013
Gator People Live in the River, Interlude: Updates and Distractions
Here we are now entertain us / I feel stupid and contagious / Here we are now entertain us - Nirvana Let be be finale of seem./ The only em...
09 September, 2013
Gator People Live In the River, 4: Persona Non Grata Chimichanga
I'm a very good man. I'm just a very bad Wizard. - L. Frank Baum Back in the saddle again, as it were. The academic year is official...
21 August, 2013
Gator People Live in the River, 3.1: The Question
Americans may have no identity, but they do have wonderful teeth. -- Jean Baudrillard The moving finger writes, and having written moves on....
22 January, 2013
Losantiville Lines: Professionalism and the Baboon
You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't.- John Prine Today being the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, it behooves u...
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