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02 March, 2021
Fire Sermon Redux: Revisiting T.S. Eliot
"For once I myself saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a cage, and when the boys said to her 'Sibyl, what do you wan...
13 January, 2020
“Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.”*
I had recent conversation about higher education and my thoughts on returning to the classroom, and while digging through some old files...
29 November, 2019
going viral
Thanks for reading! If you like what I'm doing, please consider leaving a tip. It helps keep the lights on. Thanks again! ...
30 March, 2018
Darkness as the absence, not the opposite of light (For Smiley) - A Draft
My father, I think, wanted to be a deliberate man. On days when the boil in my blood near overflows I imagine what the se...
25 May, 2017
Exile Verse #2: desgracia
I knew the message was clear. In the dream a hungry tribal pig climbed into my bed sank its carnivorous teeth into my wrist and dragged...
21 April, 2017
Letting loose the Gonzo: the baboon formerly known as a civilized man
GonzoFest 2017 was a wonderful experience, in spite of the fact that I remembered everything I needed but somehow managed to fo rget my c...
03 February, 2017
Day 13 into the Burning of Rome (poem)
We are digging around for answers. smoke and ash make it difficult to read the etchings. Somewhere over the ridge a child is drinking d...
04 April, 2016
Poem Draft: Baptism in the Nose Bleeds
Hope rises expectant on Opening Day. Last season’s transgressions are forgiven. For a moment, we are wide-eyed. For a moment, we are...
22 May, 2014
From the Daybook: Waiting for Gonzalo Guerrero
Waiting for Gonzalo Guerrero* There is crystallized dirt as far as the eye can see. Age old trees groan in the throes of...
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