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Record of a Well Worn Pair of Traveling Boots - PODCAST
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13 April, 2021
feeling the drift: a psychogeographer in a GPS world
Under the 2nd Street Bridge (The George Clark Memorial Bridge) , Louisville, KY. This was designed by Ralph Mojeski and was completed in 1...
01 April, 2021
Drift: deleted posts
This was back when I still believed going to meetings, secret or otherwise, could change the world: at one such meeting, I once offered up...
19 March, 2021
self: know : self : pretend / OR not having the proper wardrobe
"Sunshine Through the Rain" from Dreams , by Kurosawa (1990) self-knowl·edge /ˈˌself ˈnäləj/ noun noun: self-knowledge understa...
02 March, 2021
Fire Sermon Redux: Revisiting T.S. Eliot
"For once I myself saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a cage, and when the boys said to her 'Sibyl, what do you wan...
19 January, 2021
On Bashō / acquiring of new knowledge: Field Notes
Rereading Bashō is always a pleasure / a great reminder of what made me return to a notion of poetry pared down. The flower itself // the mo...
30 October, 2020
From Field Notes: Home and desk: a reflection on context and etymology
Back to the desk. Yes, I still have my workstudy. And school to finish. And I have no clue how I'm going to make any money after the fir...
16 October, 2020
Notes on "Locked inside the Difference Machine and other opus erratum"
"Opus operatum" translates as "the work wrought." I like that word: wrought. I haven't generally feel like my poetr...
11 September, 2020
Notes on "the running back" (Anthology of Days)
My dad loved football. When I tell my story -- the heretofore still short and unfinished long form -- I sometimes begin, in the style of T...
Working in the medieval imagination: Notes from August
Thunder and rain blot out the odd symphony of airplanes and commerce trains – this baptism not a redemption but a mnemonic. quaint conversat...
14 August, 2020
Debriefing of a (failed) marketing campaign: Notes from April 2020
Rain today and tomorrow. Some wind now. I don't mind rain or the raggedy yard. I'm making peace with the hole in the roof until the ...
03 August, 2020
I keep me in a drawer - Notes from the month of June
I keep me in a drawer: saved for special occasions when I can't be spared the indignity of proving, by some bureaucratic stan...
15 June, 2020
bones in the ground, blog edition
More about Thomas Morris... and the twisted ironies of the place... here . "My nature comes of itself." -T'ao Ch'ien I...
12 June, 2020
Days of the goat, blog edition: Boone
The goats. Boone is the white one. Photo by AHay. It's earlier than I normally write this, but I've got a day ahead of me and I want...
05 June, 2020
27: It's not about us
Today would have been Breonna Taylor's 27th birthday. It seems appropriate then, to state unequivocally my support for BLM and the prote...
28 May, 2020
Consarn it! Figuring out life in the post pre-pandemic world
If I were (still) a betting man, my money would be on the terra firma. Now that people can get a hair cut and angry anti-maskers feel like ...
19 May, 2020
Special Patreon Podcast Episode: The day I should have let go of capitalism but missed the metaphor
Episode 21: a Patreon Special! I'm working on a couple of new regular podcast episodes as well as two new PATRONS ONLY episodes, but I ...
18 May, 2020
Social Distance Diary: Remembering your first (quarantine)
Your humble narrator (L) age almost 3. This is one of the few digitally archived photos available that prove I ever had a childhood. There...
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