Merge / Diverge.
Sink into the rising sun.
Out of sacred kisses
come golden wings.
In the kingdom of insects
the sparrow is a god
not to trifled or contended with.
Trees sprout new leaves
and the fruit bearers prepare.
Instructions for the new season
are delivered on the westward wind,
translated by trees, by rock,
by itinerant blades of grass, by gurgling rivers.
In the kingdom of insects,
the mayfly is a phoenix,
and all become illuminated
in the convergence of a new day.
6. We Are Ours
That which binds
is not described
by mere geography.
These lines, this distance,
this temporal space,
just arbitrary lines --
demarcations of a landscape
painted by someone else
in the absence of the familiar.
Taloolah sings in dreams.
Amber sun rays break through
fractured glass.
Sky blue bubbles bear
our most sacred promises,
carried across to one another
on waves of music strummed
in the light of a permanent new day.
Location:Cincinnati, OH